When the late summer gardens of Enskede are all dressed up in August and the clock strikes Back in town-Friday, you know just where to find interior stylist Caroline Borg. ”Huset” with friends is always ready with new inspiration. Tonight Caroline and her stunning red kitchen are treating us to shallott pie, rosé salad at its best and white beans in buttery broth with sage and parmesan. By the way, the only recipe she ever really follows is her gut feeling, so you will have to do the same!
After a long summer, which still feels far too short, we are back in our forever home Enskede. Also, back in Huset (The house), I’m not talking about home but our beloved work collective in Gamla Enskede, where I share a house and studio with three other fantastic women.
It’s also where I am when the clock strikes Friday evening after the first work week, which calls for something special for dinner. But is it just me who feels a little, or very, tired of cooking after vacation with the family?
Luckily, I can walk down one flight of stairs from my studio to my Huset-colleagues Bell&Bonn and Vint:ish Market to stock up on new inspiration. Sandra has just received the Danish food geniuses Easy Peacy’s new cookbook with just the motivation I need. I couldn’t resist slipping fresh sourdough bread, flowers, a vintage bowl, and a candlestick into my bag. Sharing a house with all this lovely stuff is terrible for your finances. On top of that, we have the restaurant Matateljén just around the corner, where I can slip in a quick glass of wine on the way home.

”Unfortunately, I’m always utterly useless at measuring ingredients, I go on feeling, so you have to do the same.”
Caroline Borg

White beans in buttery broth with sage and parmesan
In addition to Easy Peacy’s shallott pie, I’m inspired to set out a plate of rosé salad leaves with burrata, orange, honey, and pistachios. And the world’s tastiest white beans in a buttery broth with parmesan and sage, for which I want to share the recipe. Unfortunately, I’m always utterly useless at measuring ingredients, I go on feeling, so you have to do the same.
Small white beans from a can
White wine
Gridelli’s peperoncino oil (alt. olive oil and chili flakes)
Put a large knob of butter in a pan on medium heat; when the butter starts to get brown, put in a bunch of sage leaves to be fried in the butter.
Pour in a splash of white wine and let reduce by half.
Pour out half of the liquid from the canned beans and use the rest with the beans in the pan. Boil together and season with salt.
Put on a plate and grate plenty of parmesan over it, finish with a few drops of peperoncino oil.
Serve with a nice bread to dip in the broth.

Images and text by Caroline Borg
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