If you’d argue that Amalfi or cote d’Azur’s lifestyle doesn’t belong in the Swedish countryside, photographer and influencer Angelica Svanström will prove you wrong! Calling her a Mediterranean lover and a master mood creator on that subject would be no understatement.
Suppose you’ve recently seen a limestone palace with restful furnishings, dreamy arches, and Italian vibes whizzing by in your feed. In that case, the odds are high that it’s the Influencer Angelica Svanström’s and her husband Tom’s self-realized house you’ve laid your eyes on.
It was spring turning into summer when we had scrambled eggs, mini cucumbers, and freshly squeezed juice with Angelica and her kids, Lova, soon to be 4, and Rio 1. As you can see, it was a wonderful visit.
Tuesday evening ends: At 9 pm when both kids are asleep.
Before turning off the lights: Scrolling through my phone, hehe.
I sleep in: An oversized T-shirt all cuddled up in Midnatt sheets.

I share the bed with: The whole family – sharing is caring?!
On my nightstand: My phone, my earrings and a lamp.
My best tip for a good night’s sleep: Exercise a few times a week. Even if it’s just a short walk. I realized that movement is my key.

Keeps me awake: Stress!
My version of counting sheep: Breathe …
My best midnight snack: My chocolate raw food balls. You want the recipe?
I last dreamt about: I wish I had time to memorize my dreams at night instead of breastfeeding, but it’s fine, Rio is actually a good sleeper.
My evening beauty routine: Hello mantle baby!
Favorite bedroom feature: The energy and the light.

„My dos: Mix and match everything you love and always choose the biggest flat sheet you can find. And, this is important, let it touch the floor.“
– Angelica Svanström

Wednesday morning starts: Around 7:00 and then we all eat breakfast at 8:00.
My alarm sounds like: Snuggling kids.
The first thing I see: My window with a lot of trees outside, it is so calming.
My morning mood could be described as: The sun. Poetic but true.
Everyday breakfast: A buffet with everything we love.
Birthday breakfast: Scrambled eggs, tea, freshly squeezed orange juice, crisp bread and a lot of fruit.

A dreamy weekend morning: Waking up after Tom and the kids with the breakfast served. But that is absolutely a “In my dreams kind of situation”.
Morning beauty routine: A lot of cuddles, breakfast and Hello Mantle.
My dos and don’ts when making the bed: My dos: Mix and match everything you love and always choose the biggest flat sheet you can find. And, this is important, let it touch the floor. My don’ts: Not to make it look so “perfect”.
Also, we just have to ask, you always seem to have such inspiring ongoing home and garden projects, we just have to ask, what’s next? I’m working on a secret project that I can’t really talk about just yet. But what I can tell you is that it includes my home, and you’ll love it so much it hurts. I Can’t wait to bring you on that journey.

Text by Josephine Blix
Photo by Mikael Lundblad
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