Freelance journalist and lifestyle editor Jonna Dagliden Hunt and her photographer husband Christopher are two parts of the foursome behind the newly established eyewear brand Oh My Eyes.
While the lilacs of Stockholm suburb Hägersten bloomed excessively outside, we had the chance to talk sunglasses, sleep and ridiculously well-made drop coffee in their bedroom. Wearing shades. In bed. Obviously.
Tuesday evening ends:
If I’m lucky a Tuesday evening ends at a hotel with the family. I review hotels in Stockholm for Telegraph Travel and Tuesdays are a great night to avoid the weekend crowds. When at home, I tend to work after our son Leon has gone to bed, then hit the bed at 9:30pm, with some reading before going to sleep.
Before turning off the lights:
I tend to check my phone right before going to bed, although I know it’s not ideal. I try to stay away from social media as much as I can, but normally there is an email to read, even if I know I shouldn’t.
I sleep in:
A simple top, then I put on a long nightshirt when waking up.
I share the bed with:
My husband Christopher.
On my nightstand:
A pile of books. At the moment: The year of magical thinking by Joan Didion, Ett jävla Solsken by Fatima Bremmer, Arv och Miljö by Vigdis Hjorth and A field guide to getting lost by Rebecca Solnit. I also keep a black notebook for nighttime ideas.
On my husband’s nightstand:
A watch, sunglass case and a pizza cookbook ( or is it a bible!?) to perfect his dough.
My best tip for a good night’s sleep:
I tend to sleep well after running, nothing beats a summer evening run, then a shower, and go straight to bed. Also, I can’t go to sleep hungry, but not too full either.
Keeps me awake:
Traffic noise. But also worrying thoughts about my son – I guess it will only get worse as he grows older.
My version of counting sheep:
Trying to meditate and focus my attention on breathing deeply, not letting stressful thoughts get in the way.
It all started out with Christopher dropping his custom made frames on the bottom of the sea in a harbour on the Bohuslän coast.
– Jonna Dagliden
My best midnight snack:
I don’t really do midnight snacks, but if I’m peckish I eat crisp bread with butter.
I last dreamt about:
Leon’s new preschool.
Favorite bedroom feature:
I love how our dark blue paint acts like a canvas to our pictures, but also my husband’s nightstand which he built after my request.
Wednesday morning starts:
Either at 6am when Leon wakes up or at 7:30 if it’s my sleep-in morning. My husband and I do every other morning.
My alarm sounds like:
Leon shouting Mamma from his room!
The first thing I see:
I have some family pictures on top of a chest of drawers right next to me. These are the people I hold dearest, so it’s a nice sight in the morning.
My morning mood:
I think it’s good. I normally sleep very well so I guess that helps.

Everyday breakfast:
I’m not that hungry on early weekdays, but if I have some more time I boil an egg, make a sandwich or some yoghurt with home made granola. I drink tea while my husband makes his single cup of drop coffee – something which is as much a ritual in the doing as in the making. He even weighs and grinds the beans himself.
Birthday breakfast:
Cake of course! And some fresh fruits and newly baked bread.
A dreamy weekend morning:
A sleep-in at our country house on Blidö in the Stockholm archipelago (but not too long, I like catching the day, the sunrise here is amazing). Then wake up to newly baked bread from the oven, and if the weather allows for it, enjoy it on the patio facing the sea.
Morning beauty routine:
I don’t really have one. I wake up with splashing some cold water on my face, and possibly add some moisturiser. I usually bike to work so I tend to use as little makeup as possible on weekdays so that the skin can breathe.
My do’s and don’ts when making the bed:
I like it messy but still made up. Not too strict, but not just left as it is either.
Also, we just have to ask about your brand – why sunglasses?
It all started out with Christopher dropping his custom made frames on the bottom of the sea in a harbour on the Bohuslän coast in Sweden. We tried to find them, but had to give up. Then a week or so later, my sister sent a picture of the frames, and wrote ’Guess what I found’. She had hired a local diver to see if he could find them (they normally help clumsy tourists like us), and voila there they were. We realised how much a pair of sunglasses actually mean to you. We did lots of research with our friends Anna-Karin and David and saw a gap on the market. The result was Oh My Eyes, with frames handmade in Sabae, Japan.
Text by Josephine Blix
Photo by Mikael Lundblad

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