We are so proud to present this years Christmas card illustrator; Marta Leyva.
It is a fond tradition for us to collaborate with a new artist every year and create a special treat for our customers. The annual Christmas card is actually more of a mini art print and every single collaboration has been chosen with great love and admiration, this year is no exception.
Everyone who places an order in December will receive both of these beautiful prints created by artist Marta Leyva. They are A5 in size and printed on high quality 324g paper.
We are so happy that you have made this year’s Christmas cards for Midnatt. Tell us about the motives; where does the inspiration come from?
I’m very glad to be the artist of the year for Midnatt’s Christmas season. The inspiration comes from the still life pieces you can find in a Mediterranean kitchen. The typical Spanish tiles mixed with ceramics, leaves, and fruits are my favorite scene to paint.
Tell us more about your work and where we can see more of your art?
My work is like a part of myself. You’ll find color, positivity, calm scenes that take you to a nice sunny place to disconnect and enjoy a slower life. Humor is sometimes implicit, too, in my pieces. You can see my work on Instagram (@_martaleyva_), where I’m always active showing the news, the process, the inspiration. You can also find some of my paintings at my website (www.martaleyva.com).
You are originally from Barcelona but live in Stockholm. Why on earth did you leave Barcelona for Sweden? We dream about the opposite every winter!
Swedes want to move to Barcelona because of the weather, the people, and city life, and it’s a dream place like that. But unfortunately the economy is pretty bad, so I recommend what Swedes already do: stay here, make a bit of money and retire and move to Málaga, Alicante, or Mallorca, ha ha.
It feels like Spanish culture is an essential inspiration in your art. We loved the beautiful urns you made this summer, for example.
I love Spain, and I can’t ignore it when I create. It’s me, my culture, my family, my friends, and my roots.
And finally, what is your best Christmas tradition?
In Catalunya, my favorite Christmas tradition, craziest one if you’re not from there, is that on the 24th of December, after dinner, we put all the gifts under a log covered with a blanket. Kids can’t see this part. That log has a painted face, and its name is „Caga tió“, which means „shit log“ in Catalan. Every kid has a stick, and the harder they hit the log, the more he’ll „shit“ out gifts. So they go around the log, hitting it as hard as they can, to get a bunch of small presents and candies. Google it, and you’ll see.

Shop the look
Babybett & Kinderbett Siesta35EUR – 50EUR
Spannbettlaken Siesta50EUR – 65EUR
Kissenbezüge Siesta30EUR – 40EUR
Bettbezug Siesta65EUR – 105EUR