Cheese and animal loving journalist and tv profile Tara Moshizi shares her bed with school counselor David Hellberg. And Pixel the cat. They live in a 20th century building in Vasastan, Stockholm.
Tuesday evening ends:
We go to bed around 11 pm after I’ve yawned on the couch for a while and probably just started to think about turning off Netflix.
Before turning off the lights:
I try to steal back my duvet from our cat Pixel. She always steals it while I’m brushing my teeth. We fight over it until someone wins.
I sleep in:
A cotton nightgown from Calvin Klein. It’s an old favorite model of mine, I have it in several colors.
I share the bed with:
David and Pixel. Both of them are much better sleepers than me. They actually inspire me to sleep more.
On my nightstand:
A stack of books. I always read several books at the same time and I like to combine old classics with newly published ones. A caring face cream and a bird. I collect birds and make sure to change the one on my nightstand every month.
Best tip for a good night sleep:
Go out with your best friends and dance like a crazy person. I love putting my head on the pillow still humming the song that was playing when I left the disco.
Me leaving the house without perfume is like me leaving the house without my panties.
– Tara Moshizi
Keeps me awake:
I often wonder if I do enough in this world and feel that I want and should do a lot more. How can we make more people feel included in the Swedish society? I see far too many examples of exclusion.
My version of counting sheep:
Probably something that you definitely shouldn’t do – I watch Youtube clips of cute animal babies. I live for those little movies. Have you seen the one with the kitten riding an air bike in the harbor?
My best midnight snack:
Bring out the cheese, please! You need two kinds of cheese (a hard one and a blue one) a little marmalade, a piece of bread, then – eat as if there was no tomorrow. If I hadn’t become a journalist I’d definitely work with cheese.

I last dreamt about:
That David totally ignored me. It was horrible. It all felt a bit better when he gave me a cup of coffee and told me it was just a dream.
My evening beauty routine:
I like to treat myself to a nice face mask. I shower and use a serum with AHA acids afterwards. Right now I use a night cream from Chanel. I’ve been crazy about creams since I was 9 years old – in fact I’ve used a day cream since I was 5. My mother was obsessed with moisturizing. We came from Iran and my skin was not used to this climate.
Favorite bedroom feature:
The wallpaper! David and my mother-in-law put it up one day when I was hangover on the couch curling my hair in the other room.
Wednesday morning starts:
At 8 am. But I’m the uncrowned master of snooze.
The first thing I see:
David’s back. A nice sight.
My morning mood:
Jolly nice! Kidding. It’s not that I’m grumpy, but I would say I’m pretty quiet until I get my first cup of coffee. I’m always tired. But I blame that on my low blood pressure.
Everyday breakfast:
Yogurt with a mixture of nuts and seeds or fruit, a boiled egg and coffee. I always eat a long breakfast in front of the tv with Pixel next to me claiming my egg. Sometimes she can taste the egg yolk, but never the white part. You know that can poison cats right?
Birthday breakfast:
Oh do I love to celebrate?! Translated into food, it usually means that David gets up before me to make Belgian waffles and a fruit salad of strawberries, melon and passion fruit. There must obviously be a good hard cheese on the table, for example Comté. And of course – Champagne!
A dreamy weekend morning:
David runs to our local bakery, Lillebror. He buys croissants, freshly squeezed orange juice and yummy fruits. Then he simply says ”Tara wake up!”
Morning beauty routine:
I wash my face with water before I use eye cream and the miracle cream Nimue Pureifire. Then I put my make up on, fill out my eyebrows and put on blush from Mac. I love an eyeliner, a perfect winged eyeliner makes me deeply happy. So does red lips. YSL have the best lipsticks. I am a bit obsessed with perfume, me leaving the house without perfume is like me leaving the house without my panties. Decadent by Marc Jacobs and Nuit by Hugo Boss are my darlings. I am very faithful to them.
Text by Josephine Blix
Photo by Louisa Hammarbäck

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