As a proud member of Too Many Boats in the Air Inc, fashion writer and influencer Fanny Ekstrand obviously is spending her summer on a sailing boat. Calling herself the Salty snack queen she stocked the pentry to the breaking point. The brief for the queen size bed onboard wasn’t boat but hotel bed, and let’s just say the color scheme for the boat in general isn’t typically nautical. We had a quick chat with captain Ekstrand between sunny rocks and open sea adventures.

You are doing summer on a boat, tell us about her!
I am spending the summer on my boyfriends sailing boat, the third person in our relationship. We always joke about our relationship being called Too Many Boats in the Air Inc since we have a few together…
Where will she take you this summer?
We are going to the archipelago of Åland and also, if the weather allows us, Bornholm. So it’s a small Scandinavia Regatta.
How do you keep the meals aesthetic and delicious on board?
I have been giving this a lot of thought this spring (obviously) and have stocked our pentry to the breaking point. But I have built it around lentils, beans, leek and potatoes and some aces like good French dijon mustard and homemade wild garlic oil we made this spring. From that I can just add whatever we find along the shore. Also, I bought my favorite luxury granola from Stora Bageriet which will make every breakfast amazing.
Any go to ocean friendly servings to share?
I have stocked up on a 5 kg jar with olives and cornichons as well as a lot of charcuteries and nuts. I call myself the salty snack queen.
How do you keep that place cozy and stylish?
We have chosen a color scheme for the boat that isn’t typically nautical. Less blue, more deep green and vanilla yellow and a lot of towels and details with stripes. And of course I have a few pots with fresh herbs, big plates with lemons and potatoes in Old Celine net bags (very fashion).
Your top 3 stops/places to visit in the archipelago?
I love nature reserve Stendörren, restaurant Svartsö Krog and just the northeast part of the Stockholm archipelago with its more raw landscape.

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